The International Conference of Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICoMaSEdu) 2023
The International Conference of Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICoMaSEdu) is transformation of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC). ICoMaSEdu is an annual meeting organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa). The origin of the conference was dated back 6 years ago (2017-2022), under the name of MISEIC, with the covered scope not only basic and applied Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Education, but also Informatics. Considering the need for specifity in the area of interest, the upcoming conference is focusing on the field of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Education. Hence, the next edition of the 6th MISEIC transformed into ICoMaSEdu 2023.
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